Which social network should you choose when you're just starting out?

Here's my three-point method for finding YOUR social network:

Step 1: Choose the Medium

First, look at the medium;

What do I like to do?
Writing, video, photos, audio?
You have to like this medium.
It's a marathon, so it's important.

Rest assured, you have the right to change your mind along the way!

Step 2: I study my medium

Which medium do I feel comfortable with?
If none,
What's the one medium where I wouldn't mind learning everything I need to get ahead?

For example, if it's writing, how to write for the web. How do you edit a video?

You can always change your social network, but this knowledge will serve you well for the rest of your life as a content creator.

Step 3: Find out about the media
Choosing the right network will be obvious, so don't be discouraged by having too many social networks. Instead, choose those on which you're comfortable with your content (consistency of medium + media). Keep training yourself on the specifics of your network, and add a new network THE DAY you've already built a community and mastered your network.

Why not multiply the number of social networks?
Posting the same content on several networks doesn't work, and it's discouraging because it doesn't work!

So you get discouraged... Mastering a network (and investing in it) takes time. So if you're on your own, stick to one network at a time.

In conclusion: Test, train and have fun creating content i

What are your tips for choosing your network?


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By the way, my name is vincent my passion is content creation and web marketing.

My role is to meet your web needs by putting the human aspect at the heart of our collaboration.
  • I'm a content creator and trainer myself.
  • More than 50 websites online since 2009.
  • My only policy is to stay by your side until you are completely satisfied.

My latest resources the blog

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